Katrina, I wish I could afford to help you. I have already donated SO much to a variety of campaigns. I am also writing postcards and letters through Activate America and Vote Forward. If I can find your name in one of those two organizations, I will try to write for you. I pray you do well. Our government needs more people like you at the helm. I live in Illinois, so I can't vote for you. I would if I could! I hope you'll be able to join our wonderful Senator Tammy Duckworth.

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Ruth, I donated $20 to Katrina based on your comment. So you can count it as a donation from you. Thank you for the postcards and letters you are writing.

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Wow!! How kind!! Have already finished and mailed postcards for Sherrod Brown. Just finished Jacky Rosen, and working on Ruben Gallego. I'll look for Katrina next. Thank you!!

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Cause his donors are child predators

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Way to go, Katrina!

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